Skills for High Performance Teamwork

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Skills for High Performance Teamwork

Have fun while learning to work together.

Motivating-A-Team-Team-Skills-Performance-TeamworkPart One

We all depend on each other. Everything we accomplish within an organization is through the efforts of people working together.

Discover the Benefits of Collaboration

The premise of this program is that organizations are much more healthy and productive when their relationships are strong and people know how to work together.

In a highly interactive environment, team members have fun while learning principles, make decisions and maintain a positive social environment.


Skills for High Performance Teamwork consists of seven modules that are usually delivered a week apart. Each module contains exercises to make the training come alive and ensure back home application. It is designed to be fun and dynamic as well as educational.

Participants will come away with:

  • Valuing perspectives different from their own
  • Knowing how to listen and understand others points of views
  • Understanding the importance of two-way communication
  • Being committed to giving and receiving constructive feedback with other team members
  • Handling conflicts directly and in a win-win way
  • Looking below the surface to diagnose and improve how the team is really operating
  • Conducting excellent discussions and making effective decisions
  • Understanding several skills for solving technical problems together

Part Two

1. Basic Communication

  • Learn how people’s perceptions and viewpoints differ
  • Learn the basics of face-to-face communication
  • Analyze the difference between one-way and two-way communication
  • Understand the skill of listening
  • Improve active listening skills

2. Giving and Receiving Feedback

  • Learn what feedback is
  • Discover how open or closed you are to giving and receiving feedback
  • Learn to give effective feedback to others
  • Learn how to receive live feedback from others
  • Practice giving and receiving live feedback from team members
  • Make a personal improvement plan to respond to team feedback

3. Group Dynamics

  • Learn what group dynamic is
  • Experience as discuss group dynamics in action
  • Learn about group process and shared leadership
  • Determine what you can do personally to improve group process skills
  • Rate your team’s group process
  • Identify how your team will improve its group process

4. Team Decision – Making

  • Discuss barriers to group decision-making
  • Learn about methods of group decision-making
  • Practice consensus decision-making
  • Practice a group decision-making model
  • Identify how your team will improve its group decision-making
  • Review who is responsible for current team decisions
  • Identify team decision issues to be addressed
  • Discuss shifting to ideal team decision-making responsibilities

5. Team Problem Solving

  • Learn the challenges of group problem solving
  • Gain a working definition of problem solving
  • Create a model for group problem solving and how to use it
  • Learn how to do creative brainstorming
  • Learn how to use cause and effect diagrams to analyze problems
  • Analyze how well your team is set up for effective problem solving
  • Learn the areas of group problem solving in which your team will improve

6. Conflict Resolution

  • Learn a definition of unhealthy conflict and how to keep from crossing over into it
  • Learn about five different conflict management styles
  • Use a model to help choose a response to potential conflict situations
  • Assess which conflict styles you most often use
  • Practice a Three-Step Model for resolving conflict
  • Decide how you want to modify your conflict style and how you will better handle your current conflicts

7. Time Management

  • Learn how you are currently using your time
  • Learn the barriers which keep you from managing your time more effectively
  • Learn the difference between the important and the urgent, and how to schedule time for the important
  • Learn to set professional goals to guide your use of time
  • Create a systematic approach to managing daily events