Customer-focused companies enhance value by providing solutions that are some combination of products, services and technology. However, this adds complexity to your solution and, as a result, complexity to your customer’s decision process.
In addition, your solution is unique. How do most customers even know they need your solution, if they don’t understand they could potentially have a problem?
To validate your ROI, you require your salespeople to ask dozens of probing questions in order to best identify their pain. As companies tend to get more done with fewer people, our need to define through discovery puts a burden on these prospects. The discovery period requires an enormous commitment on the part of the customer. Conference calls, presentations, discussions about the scope, the pricing, their overall revenues, etc. Your potential customers have to invest an enormous amount of time with you, and many times involve other stakeholders on their team, before they ever see any value or even a hint of a solution. They’re rolling the dice with their co-worker relationships that your solution will even be viable. It’s a leap of faith.
Our Purchase Funnel Mapping helps visualize how to remove this decision making burden, by identifying the steps you can take to introduce your solutions to prospects and slowly build their trust and your revenues.
Customers are struggling to buy your solutions just as much as you are struggling to sell them. Using this map, you can help customers navigate the complexity of your solution.